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CommentsI just stopped by I am searching for my relatives in Corleonne (Sicily) . My search began in California and led to New Iberia Louisianna now onto Corleonne. I am looking for my Great-Great Grandparents who came up the Mississippi and settled in New Orleans and New Iberia. There names are Henry and Giacamino (Dimicelli) Benenti or Bennetti. If you can help send me in a direction to find the records in Italy it would be greatly appreciated!!!
CommentsReading the article on "Being Italian"brought back so many childhood memories. I long for those days; the way it used to be. But now my grandparents are gone and everyone seems to have disbursed to various parts of the country. My son is currently doing a research paper on Italian contributions to America, other than food. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help him find information? His email address is kewl_teen@webtv.net Thanks and God Bless!
CommentsI am thrilled to be an Italian, we are second generation Italian's and proud of it. My parents and my husbands parents came from Sicily, but different provinces. Keep up the good work and keep our heritage ONLINE. CIAO.
CommentsFun site to visit. I am a member of the Ciao organization located in North Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina.
Success and good luck in you work!!
CommentsI stumbled upon you while looking for Italian Christmas Cards. I spent almost 1 hr without realizing it. and I will definetely be back. This is great. Areviridicci::
Commentswhy don't you guys have any recipes on this site? Author information goes here.